Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The People's Princess

Royal families have always been a huge part of British politics and culture. As I’ve grown older I’ve also began to familiarize myself with these royal figures and what major contributions they made to British society, as well as the rest of the world. However, one figure I have never had to take a crash course on is Princess Diana. Though I was young at the time of her life and death, I can still remember the impression she left on me. I think it’s fair to say that she left that very same impression on millions of others.

Princess Di’s personal life (marriage, divorce, and children) was one of the first royal lives to be dissected thoroughly by the media. However, even though today being scrutinized by the press usually means that the media has picked apart and brought to light every imperfection, Princess Di was looked at in a different way. People who dislike or disapprove of her are few and far between.

During the late twentieth century she was a very public figure…her marriage to Prince Charles, as well as her funeral, were watched by millions of viewers. Some even suggest that she was the most photographed woman of that time. However, she was not known as a political figure, but as a humanitarian. She worked with many charities including the Red Cross and with AIDS foundations. In fact, Princess Di shattered the publics opinion when she was the first celebrity to be photographed touching a person infected with HIV. At the time this was huge because people still believed AIDS could be spread through casual contact. She also worked to stop landmines.
It’s no wonder why Princess Dianna’s legacy still lives on. Even as a child I could see that she was someone worthy of affection. With her welcoming smile, warm character, and hopes to changes the world it’s easy to understand why she is the “People’s Princess”

1 comment:

  1. Again, the historical context could be stronger. You do a good job of including personal connections, but more history would strengthen your posts.
